Sunday, June 26, 2011

Over a two-piece chicken meal

Around 10:30pm, my sister and I decided to have some late dinner delivered. I've also been craving for Jollibee's Chicken Joy. So I got a two-piece meal.

I've been on a constant Sisa mode for the past few days and I know that it's driving my friends crazy. (Hey you guys are as crazy as me noh!)

Over these two heavenly leg part Chicken Joys, I realized the following:

1. I'm really good with theories, especially this one I'm preaching to everyone: GUYS ARE THE NEW GIRLS. Why?
- Their "pakipot"
- Their clingy
- Their too sensitive
- Their moody
- I keep forgetting the 5th one, but there's a 5th justification.
So far, I've received nothing but nods of agreement and violent positive reactions (most of the time accompanied by swearing). A guy friend even confessed that yes, he's a girl in all these "traits/justifications."
Is this because of the global warming? Japan's earthquake that kind of moved some plates? Or is it because 2012 is nearing?
I have no idea what's happening but so far no one has contested this observation.

2. Coming from my previous entry.. "If you could have what you want, would you really want it?"
My answer is still I don't know... which brings me to my argument.... This "chaos," maybe is what I want at the moment because I don't know if I want to go to the next room. Or like what I said... my attention span for all types of chaos is very very short. So.. in about a few weeks, we're going to back to regular programming.

----- i just saw this draft and just decided to post it... Regardless if its unfinished.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The most inconvenient truth

"if you can get what you want, would you really want it?"

truth is: i'm leaning towards NO.

Coming from Al Gore's, "The Inconvenient Truth," I have a question.. Isn't the truth really inconvenient in the first place?

We babble about the truth setting us free but at the back of our minds, we all wish to live in the comfort of a lie.

Right now... whatever the truth is, I frankly don't know how to go about it. So my solution is: make up my own truth.. hold on to it... and believe its true.

As one of the Nazi propagandist said, "if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth."

And so... God forbid, let's start walking away.